Making Meetings Fun!

Embodied enjoyment
& play for any group

Over two hours of instructional video, practical tools and inspiration for games and play, demonstrations, and resource materials.

Humor, games, enjoyment and experimentation — play — are vital to how we learn, bond, and work together. Play increases trust, and trust fuels our readiness for problem solving and innovation.

Learn skills that will make you more confident and comfortable weaving play into meetings and events.

A playful group is a productive group! Your groups will thank you!

Enjoy this dynamic self-directed course that will:

Our team of sincere, well-seasoned, wise, and appropriately-rascally facilitative leaders share what we’ve learned over decades of experimentation and innovation with the infinite possibilities for playful enjoyment in any group—especially how to play when we’re all online.

We share with you how to include playfulness in three main categories:


Encourage others


Make it relevant


Be inviting and adaptive

And most importantly, we’ll show you many doorways to play! In ways that can work for anyone. Whether you’re heading into the boardroom or the classroom, our buffet of playful energizers and group games will provide useful take-aways for every type of facilitative leader out there.

What do we cover in this course?

We set you up to become an enjoyment beacon for others! Together we take a look at… 

Uplevel your online facilitation now.

***Coaches: This course qualifies for 4 CCE (Continuing Coach Education) Resource Development Units with the ICF (International Coach Federation).***

Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll receive an email from us with your self-directed course, including the teaching video, all your course materials, and bonus Q&A with the faculty.

Questions? Shoot us a note anytime at:
[email protected]

Please share this invitation!

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Work with one of our coaches

Get the most out of your course investment

You will receive the course: including 4.5 hours of videos, course materials from each of the 6 modules and a three session coaching process. Your coach will help you to develop your skills and address specific challenges you’re facing. They provide tailored, one-on-one support in how to negotiate some of the most complicated issues facing you and your team, and build lasting capacity. Receive personalized support for learning, making key distinctions and application: • Three sessions with your Ten Directions coach • Supportive skills practice and feedback • Multimodal learning • An accountability structure to keep the learning process focused and efficient Coaching sessions are scheduled at your convenience, following module 2, 4 and 6. 3 Coaching Sessions plus the Inclusion 2.0 Course

$1,200 (normally $1,800)