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authentic leadership
Lauren Tenney

What does it mean to ‘own’ your facilitator voice?

Recently we led a learning session in our community entitled “Owning your Facilitator Voice”.  In this rich and fruitful inquiry we explored our own values about facilitator neutrality, and how they shape the way we bring in our voice and experience while facilitating.  We also invited the group to consider ways we might bring more

Cléo Burke

Finding Ground

“Ground is the place to go when overwhelmed with thoughts and fears. It can hold our confusion with unwavering presence. We can source the earth’s formidable strength to connect with how these qualities live inside of us. In her timeless gaze, we open to the present; we slow down.” Kelsey Blackwell, Your Body is Your

Kim Loh

Freeing up the self to live a more ethically fulfilling life

The Condors “Dead condor chicks have been found with stomachs stuffed with cigarette butts, lighters, and plastic shards. Adult condors forage for bone fragments and calcium-rich shell to feed their babies, but inadvertently find and regurgitate plastics and trash into the mouths of their hungry nestlings, inevitably killing them.”

Dara Blumenthal

You Can’t Think Your Way Into Reality

Here’s an invitation: Turn on the news for 10 minutes or read the front page of any major newspaper and get really still – relaxing your face and jaw, letting your belly go, feeling your feet on the ground, opening your eyes wide. What do you notice?

Gracy Obuchowicz

Self-Care for Facilitators and Other Visionary Leaders

A few years ago, after working with a business coach, I decided that self-care would be the central focus of my work. I chose a group coaching model where I bought 20 women at a time through a 10-week self-care reconditioning.  This process included web content, group phone calls, and culminated in a three-day in-person

Lisa Gibson

Listening beyond the Great Divide

  “I hate this exercise,” she announced in moment of quiet as the group sat working diligently on their own.    “I am sick of having to use my own oppression to teach white people about their privilege,” one of the only women of colour in the group angrily proclaimed, sitting back, arms crossed, challenging

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