Roadmap to a Great Meeting
The Three TerritoriesTM of collaboration
Three session masterclass
Live on Zoom 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
plus materials on our course site.
October 27 | November 10 | November 24

Every team is unique, and every meeting is different
Not exactly.
Underneath the uniqueness of our particular team and this specific meeting are three fundamental processes that we all go through when we work together. We call these The Three Territories of effective collaboration. Facilitators who understand the three territories are better equipped to guide satisfying participatory meetings. They can optimize engagement, keep energy up, and avoid stuck points before they become obstacles.
The three territories for facilitators are just like a roadmap for a driver—they won’t tell you how to drive, but they will reveal where you are in the process.
Once you understand the three territories for effective collaboration, you’ll be able to bring more of your own genius and spontaneity into the room, and complexity will be easier to work with.
Creation & Possibility
Priorities & Agreements
Commitments & Action
Join us for this three part interactive, zoom-based masterclass that will:
- Give you a 30,000-foot view of meetings and collaboration
- Offer you a new vantage point on your role as a facilitator
- Link each meeting territory with specific skills and approaches
- Suggest methods and tools to improve engagements in each territory
- Help you help others reach agreement that results in meaningful action
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Registering for this 3-part series will give you access to all three live clinics, with a full set of recordings and supplemental materials to follow each event.

Territory #1 —
Creation & Possibility
Tuesday, October 27th | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
The first territory is the space where ideas are surfaced, innovation increases, and the unexpected emerges and becomes possible.
As facilitators of this territory, we need to be light on our feet to support the energy and activity that makes this kind of collaboration possible.
In this clinic we will explore:
- How we can best prepare
- What we are listening for
- Increasing connection and safety
- Enabling a creative mindset
- Catalyzing freshness and novelty
- Maintaining energy and openness

Territory #2 —
Priorities & Agreements
Tuesday, November 10th | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
In the second territory we converge on the values, priorities and decisions that will pave the way for effective action.
Facilitating in this territory requires structural clarity, synthesis, and the ability to powerfully mirror and reinforce the values of the group.
In this clinic we will explore:
- How we can best prepare
- What we are listening for
- Methods for assigning value, ranking and categorizing
- Surfacing values
- Decision making approaches
- Capturing agreements

Territory #3 —
Commitments & Action
Tuesday, November 24th | 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
In the third territory we leverage the creativity and agreements of the first two territories into implementation and accountability.
Facilitators who excel in this territory are committed to both encouraging and challenging the group into actions that matter – aligning heads, heart and feet!
In this clinic we will explore:
- How we can best prepare
- What we are listening for
- Supporting individual & cultural buy in
- Clarifying roles and responsibilities
- Aligning desire with willpower
- Addressing time, space, and money
- Planning and evaluation
Our learning experience will include sharing methods, tips and techniques, live experience that demonstrates these skills, peer sharing, and live Q&A.
What we cover in this course:
The Three Territories masterclass will be a grounding and emboldening experience for you as a developing facilitator. You will leave with a deeper familiarity of each of the three territories, with valuable learning about how you can better support the type of engagement most needed by groups in each one.
Your skills as a facilitative leader will grow to include:
- New activities you can use in each territory
- A bigger-picture map of group engagement and meetings
- A more versatile perspective on how to facilitate meetings
- A clearer sense of your purpose and role
- Methods and tools that support groups in each territory
- Inner familiarity with the energy you need to bring to each territory
Uplevel your online facilitation now.
This fee covers all three parts of the series. You may join any time before the final class on November 24. Videos and materials are shared 24/7 on our private course site.
Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll receive your welcome email and the link to join the upcoming Masterclass.
Questions? Shoot us a note anytime at:
[email protected]
Your Instructors

Rebecca Ejo Colwell
Rebecca is a talented integral facilitator, strategist and coach, co-creator of Integral Facilitator programs, and the Founder of Ten Directions. For over thirty years she has been facilitating and inspiring others to practice facilitative leadership and meet the challenges of a wide range of cultural and social issues.

Lauren Tenney
director of Learning Design
Lauren is a Senior Consultant, Director of New Program Development and Editor-in-Chief at Ten Directions. She is a Certified Presence Based Coach, a Certified Integral Facilitator, and a member of the training team for IF programs.